Adicenia Wiki

The Nixien are a folk of normadic elementals, golems and other magical creatures. they represent Ice, Silence and Tranquility. they are led by their old creator Îdörak and their capital is near the axis. the reason for them to live in the abandoned north is that they don't need any security guards or shield spells. any possible intruders that aren't elementals will be torn apart by the extreme storms soon. The reason that the elementals can survive the storms is that îdörak has parted the  land in 5 layers in the Second Era. These are only accessible through magic portals which he can control himself. although a defect within the portals has caused the layers to somewhat intermix unwillingly. Each layer initially of two of the elements and all elemental beings who do not bring violence are tolerated to live here, but have formed into several smaller sub-climates bringing with it conflict.