The Manacordian are one of The Ten factions of Adicenia.
They represent water, mind and intelligence and are mostly mages.
The manacordian used to be a group of reptile folk living underwater. The Umbareos had forbidden them to use magic after they lost a war against the Hightide pact. Eventually the knowledge of using and applying magic got lost, even among the most talented clans. When a group Lumitian scout ships arrived they learned to learn them to use magic again, on condition that they would make one great alliance with other suppressed races. The reason the Manacordian think magic and knowledge is so important is because of this alliance. They used it more than any other faction.
Those who are interested in wisdom, or those which are looking to improve their control of magic will be happy to visit one of the big Manacordian cities. Magic, especially water based magic are a big part of the faction, which also means you will find many of the strongest mages of the whole of Adicenia here.
Notable members[]
none atm